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In re TelexFree, LLC, Case No. 14-40987 (FJB) Jointly Administered
United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Massachusetts (http://www.mab.uscourts.gov)
NOTICE REGARDING FRAUDULENT COMMUNICATIONS IN THE TELEXFREE BANKRUPTCY CASE. Please be aware that fraudulent communications, (including emails) are being transmitted to claimants in the Telexfree bankruptcy case. These communications include fraudulent Court documents indicating that claimants are entitled to payment and provide that funds can be received by debit card or wire transfer. THIS MAY BE A SCAM. YOU SHOULD NOT PROVIDE YOUR BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION UNLESS YOU ARE RESPONDING TO A REQUEST FROM THE TRUSTEE’S AGENTS FROM help@telexfreeclaims.com or bmcgroup.com. IF THE COMMUNICATION MAKES REFERENCE TO A DISTRICT COURT LAWSUIT INVOLVING TELEXFREE (CASE NO. 14-02566), YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT BEFORE RESPONDING TO ANY REQUEST.
To TelexFree Participants with Conditionally Allowed Claims:

I have reached an agreement with the Internal Revenue Service to resolve the disputed matters. My counsel and I are in the process of preparing a Plan of Liquidation for filing with the Bankruptcy Court which, if confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court, will allow me to distribute the available funds to TelexFree participants who have allowed claims in the Bankruptcy Cases. I estimate that the initial distribution to TelexFree participants will be approximately 40% of their allowed claims. There may be additional distributions in amounts to be determined as funds become available.

As part of the process of obtaining approval of the Plan of Liquidation by the Bankruptcy Court, you will be supplied with information, including a ballot for you to vote on the Plan, that you will need to complete and return in order to vote on the Plan and to receive your distribution. I will provide further updates on this web site as developments occur.

Thank you,

Stephen B. Darr
Chapter 11 Trustee


A los participantes de TelexFree con Demandas Condicionalmente Permitidas:

He llegado a un acuerdo con Servicio de Rentas Internas (IRS) para resolver los asuntos en disputa. Mis abogados y yo nos encontramos en proceso de preparar un Plan de Liquidación que presentaremos ante el Tribunal de Quiebras y, de ser confirmado por dicho Tribunal, me permitirá distribuir los recursos disponibles a los participantes de TelexFree con demandas permitidas en Casos de Quiebra. Calculo que la distribución inicial a los participantes de TelexFree será de aproximadamente 40 % de sus demandas permitidas. Es posible que se realicen distribuciones adicionales por montos que serán determinados a medida que haya disponibilidad de recursos.

Como parte del proceso para obtener la autorización del Plan de Liquidación por parte del Tribunal de Quiebras, usted recibirá información que necesitará para emitir y devolver su voto sobre el Plan, incluida una boleta para que vote sobre el Plan, así como recibir la distribución. Proporcionaré más actualizaciones en esta página a medida que cuente con más información.


Stephen B. Darr
Chapter 11 Trustee


Aos participantes da TelexFree com pedidos de indenização com deferimento condicional:

Cheguei a um acordo com a Receita Federal (IRS) para resolver as questões contestadas na ação. Meus advogados e eu estamos em processo de preparação de um Plano de Liquidação para ser apresentado ao Tribunal de Falências e que, se for aprovado, permitirá a distribuição dos fundos disponíveis aos participantes da TelexFree que tenham pedidos de indenização deferidos nos casos de falência. Estimo que a distribuição inicial aos participantes da TelexFree seja de aproximadamente 40% dos pedidos de indenização deferidos. Poderá haver distribuições adicionais cujos valores serão determinados à medida que os fundos estiverem disponíveis.

Como parte do processo para obter a aprovação do Plano de Liquidação pelo Tribunal de Falências, o (a) senhor(a) receberá as informações, incluindo uma votação para você votar no plano, necessárias para efetuar e retornar seu voto no Plano e receber a distribuição. Futuras atualizações serão disponibilizadas neste site de acordo com o desenrolar dos acontecimentos.


Stephen B. Darr
Chapter 11 Trustee

Notices of Claim Allowance

Notices of Claim Allowance filings can be viewed HERE

Notices of Claim Disallowance

Notices of Claim Disallowance filings can be viewed HERE

If you have any questions regarding the Claim Allowance or Claim Disallowance notice you received please write to ClaimResponse@TelexFreeClaims.com. Please reference the claim number in your email.

Questions Regarding Your Claim Number or Claim Amount

The TelexFree claims register can be located at: registry.telexfreeclaims.com

The amounts on the claims register reflect the amount of the claim as filed by the Participant. For the status of allowance or disallowance of a claim, please see the filing "Conditionally Allowed and Disallowed Claims as of March 31, 2019" by clicking HERE

Questions Regarding a Notice of Proposed Resolution of Claim

If you have questions regarding your Claim or a Notice of Proposed Resolution of Claim please write to ClaimResponse@TelexFreeClaims.com and reference your Claim number in the subject line of the email.

Change of Mailing Address

If you would like to change the address on file with the Trustee for your claim, please write to ClaimResponse@TelexFreeClaims.com. Please provide the following information:

1. Your claim number;
2. The mailing address included on your claim when filed;
3. The new mailing address; and
4. Is the address you are updating the address where you would like to receive payment and/or the address where you would like to receive notices regarding TelexFree? If you do not provide this information we will assume that you are updating both the payment and notice address.

Change of Email Address

If you would like to change the email address on file with the Trustee for your claim, please write to ClaimResponse@TelexFreeClaims.com. Please include both the claim number and email address as included on your claim when filed along with the new email address.


General Information:

On April 13, 2014, each of the Debtors listed below filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the "Bankruptcy Code"). The cases (collectively, the "Bankruptcy Cases") are jointly administered under Case No. 14-40987. The Bankruptcy Cases are pending before the Honorable Elizabeth D. Katz in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Massachusetts. The Chapter 11 Trustee, Stephen B. Darr, was appointed on June 6, 2014.

Debtor Name Debtor Case Number
TelexFree, LLC 14-40987
TelexFree, Inc. 14-40988
TelexFree Financial, Inc. 14-40989

Pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code (specifically including, but not limited to, 11 U.S.C. § 362), a debtor is afforded certain protection against its creditors; the Bankruptcy Code prohibits creditors from taking certain actions related to debts that may have been owing prior to the commencement of the Bankruptcy Cases. If you believe that you might be a creditor of the Debtor(s) based upon debts arising prior to April 13, 2014, and you are considering taking action based upon your status as a creditor, you may wish to seek legal advice. The staff of the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court and the staff of Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC are not permitted to give legal advice.

Important Dates, Deadlines & Documents Show All Dates

May, 27, 2020
(2:00 PM (ET))

July 8, 2020
(2:00 p.m. ET)

April 13, 2014

March 15, 2017
(4:30 pm ET)

Parties & Addresses

United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Massachusetts
John W. McCormack Post Office and Courthouse
5 Post Office Square, Room 1150
Boston, MA 02109
T: 617-748-5300

Please refer to the top of the homepage under Notice of Deadline for Filing Electronic Proofs of Claims for information on how to file claims

Attorneys' Addresses

Stephen B. Darr
Huron Consulting Group
265 Franklin Street, Suite 402
Boston, MA 02110

Harold B. Murphy, Esq.
Charles R. Bennett, Jr., Esq.
Andrew G. Lizotte, Esq.
Murphy & King, P.C.
One Beacon Street
21st Floor
Boston, MA 02108
T: (617) 423-0400
F: (617) 423-0498

Richard T. King, Asst. U.S. Trustee
U.S. Department of Justice
446 Main Street, 14th Floor
Worcester, MA 01608


Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC dba Verita Global ("Verita") maintains this website at the direction of the Stephen B. Darr, the Chapter 11 Trustee. Verita maintains this website for the public's convenience and, while Verita makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, this website is not the website of the United States Bankruptcy Court and does not contain the complete, official record of the Bankruptcy Court. All documents filed with the Court, including lists of the Debtors' assets and liabilities, are available for inspection at the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court, District of Massachusetts.